2003 and Later Allroad Owners

We love our 2.7T Allroads, however, they don’t like being read. Some ECUs will crank but not start after a read. DON’T PANIC. 🙂 This is easily resolved by flashing the ECU. You have two easy options, the first is the simplest.

  1. Stop at the Connect screen step and simply screenshot your ECU ID. You can email us or upload an image file to your account. We can set up from there and upload a stock file for you while we prepare your tune.
  2. Schedule your read time with us. This will allow us to confirm that the file you read and upload is 100% stock and can be safely flashed back to the ECU or we can provide you with a stock file. Flashing files that contain other companies’ code with our cable will crash the ECU. Crashed ECUs can be recovered but the ECU needs to be sent to us. 


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